An energy transition is underway, globally and locally.
It manifests in energy deployment patterns that vary widely from region to region, county to county, city to city and neighborhood to neighborhood. By illuminating the technology and economic trends of local decarbonization and energy resilience, the Integrated Renewable Energy Systems Network empowers more effective engagement between local jurisdictions and energy utilities. Our vision is more complete and cost-efficient technical and economic integration of local renewable energy assets as local renewable energy transitions proceed and accelerate. Our decades of program and project experience provides a 360 degree view of emerging opportunities and challenges.
For-profit California electric utilities charge high prices and take minimal climate action. Three state-regulated for-profits, PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E, charge two to three times more for the electricity they deliver than large city regulated counterparts charge. The giant for-profits aim for carbon neutrality in 2040 or 2045. Large locally regulated electric utilities, SMUD and LADWP, aim for carbon neutrality by 2030 or 2035.